Organic versus Inorganic Molecules: Part III
Transparency and Opacity is not a permanent makeup phenomenon. These are concepts that primarily belong to the field of physics, particularly optics. However, their understanding and application often involve physics, chemistry, and PMU principles. Transparency and opacity are terms used to describe the degree to which a material allows light to pass through it. When discussing tattoo pigments, transparency, and opacity refer to the characteristics of the ink and how they behave when applied to the skin. Here's how transparency and opacity relate to tattoo pigments: In Part III on this series we discuss characteristics of opaque and transparent materials and how it relates to PMU.
Organic versus Inorganic Molecules: Part II
In part II of this series we expound on molecule structure of pigments with an emphasis on how molecular structure influences color.
Organic versus Inorganic Molecules: Part I
This is the first in a three part series of understanding the molecular difference between organic and inorganic molecules. In part II, we discuss into how organics and inorganics differ in terms of molecular structure, transparency and opacity, and how molecular structure contributes to their color and properties.
How does ink really get into the skin?
You may have learned that we implant pigment by pushing ink into the skin. As such your technique may be primarily driven by better ways to push ink into the skin, however this is not the mechanism by which ink gets into the skin! Read more to see exactly how and what you can do as an artist to influence saturation.
Pathogenic Organisms in a Tattoo Facility
I am a scientist first, but also a permanent makeup artist on a mission to raise the standards of the industry. When I first began my cosmetic training, I observed a hyper focus on blood borne pathogens when in fact these are not the only pathogens of concern. Lets take a look at the other types of pathogens and how you can protect yourself against those in a tattoo facility.
Characteristics of Aging Skin
The beauty of permanent makeup is that as the industry continues to evolve, we must evolve with it. And what about our clients aged 60 and up?